P2P Group’s Inturai AI tracking system demonstrates same location accuracy as expensive bluetooth trackers

Testing of the Inturai artificial intelligence-driven Wi-Fi signal tracking system developed by P2P Group (CSE: PPB) has demonstrated the same sub-meter location accuracy as expensive Internet of Things (IoT) beacons minus the need for specialised tracking hardware.
The breakthrough discovery could potentially remove capital expenditure for the deployment of beacons, locators and gateways, which are part of a multi-billion dollar annual hardware market predicted to grow to $70 billion by 2039.
It could also eliminate costly installations, key complexity and scalability barriers associated with traditional BLE (Bluetooth low energy) Version 5.1 tracking solutions.
Location accuracy
BLE 5.1 is a standard that significantly improves the accuracy of location tracking by enabling devices to pinpoint the direction a signal is coming from, allowing for more precise positioning capabilities.
Traditional IoT BLE beacon systems rely on battery-powered sensors, locators and
professional installation to achieve high-precision tracking.
P2P Group is focusing Inturai on delivering the same result but eliminating all hardware requirements in preference of existing Wi-Fi signals.
This approach is expected to remove key barriers of beacon-based tracking, including battery and warranty replacements and scalability limits due to physical infastructure.
Leveraging AI
P2P chief executive officer Ed Clarke said Inturai would continuously leverage AI to improve over time.
“Our testing confirms that AI-enhanced Wi-Fi tracking can replicate the precision of BLE 5.1 technology and we expect it to get much better over time,” he said.
“By removing hardware entirely, we are addressing the significant cost and deployment
challenges in real-time home and site intelligence across hundreds of billions of dollars
of addressable market… this approach makes high-precision spatial intelligence more scalable and accessible than ever before.”
Continued testing
Mr Clarke said P2P would continue development and testing in various environments to improve reliability, scalability and long-term AI improvements.
The company is targeting widespread deployment in industries such as healthcare and aged care where it could be used for passive falls detection and movement monitoring; and in smart homes and security for non-intrusive movement tracking without cameras or wearables.