
Cizzle Brands reports $5.64m in net sales for first half of FY25

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By Imelda Cotton - 
Cizzle Brands CBOE CZZL net sales FY25

Cizzle Brands Corporation (CBOE: CZZL) has reported over $5.64 million in net sales for the six months to the end of January, with a gross profit margin of 60.03% and a gross profit of more than $3.38m.

The earnings, which capped off the first half of Cizzle Brands’ inaugural fiscal year as a public company, were primarily driven by sales of its flagship CWENCH Hydration sports drink in Canada, with sustained sales of the product in the US and Europe.

Since the start of the year, Cizzle has accelerated its strategic commercialisation efforts for CWENCH and launched the Spoken Nutrition brand of premium, athlete-grade nutraceuticals.

Sales and assets

During the reporting period, 71% of the company’s sales were in Canada, with 20% coming from the US and and 9% from Europe.

Current assets grew by 43.3% from $7.2m at the end of July 2024 to $10.3m at the end of January 2025, primarily driven by a 72.8% increase in cash from $1.52m to $2.62m and a 126.7% increase in inventory from $1.37m to $3.12m.

Several key retail partners for CWENCH Hydration were added to Cizzle’s books during the reporting period and reorders experienced steady growth.

Key milestones

Chief executive officer John Celenza said the first half of the 2025 financial year had seen the company achieve key milestones against its strategic plan.

“To have generated over $5.64m in net sales in just six months is a testament to the brand strength we are creating,” he said.

“Our next two fiscal quarters will take place during spring and summer, when sales within our hydration category tend to be higher.”

“Based on this, we are on track to surpass $14m in net sales by the end of our first complete fiscal year.”

Team dedication

“This momentum reflects our team’s dedication to growth, the quality of our products, and most importantly the traction we have begun to garner at the consumer level, which is driving repeat purchases as well as organic acquisition of new customers through word of mouth,” he said.

“We will continue scaling our business by driving growth through existing channels and by adding new ones at each step of our commercialisation journey.”

“We have significant opportunities in Canada and the US, which we are well positioned to capitalise on.”   

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